Recently I was working with a parent who was using a TimeTimer with her son to help him recognize when it was time to get ready for bed. Our plan was to start the timer every night while he was engaged in an activity, show him the timer and have him repeat how many minutes left, then have him tell his mom when the timer went off. For the first couple of weeks, this plan worked beautifully. The boy could see the time elapsing, brought the timer to his mother when it went off, and then started the process to get ready for bed without engaging in tantrum behaviors.
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- Évaluation de l’intelligence sociale chez l’enfant présentant des troubles du langage oral (2008)
- Modèles neuropsychologiques dans l’autisme et les TED, 2009
- Acquisition des comportements sécuritaires de circulation piétonnière chez un enfant autiste
- 2017 – Évaluation d’un programme de formation aux habiletés parentales
- GAPS : Syndrôme Entéropsychologique
- Analyse fonctionnelle des comportements de pica (Elsevier, 2011)
- Article de E. Lemonnier, sur des tests du bumétanide (2016)
- Autisme : un guide pour évaluer les besoins des personnes (CNSA, Mai 2016)
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